Conference Management App
A custom conference management web application with various useful features for conference organisers.
- Python / Django based backend
- Wagtail CMS included, run headless or with (optional) included templates
- Direct integration with Stripe for payments, Guidebook for custom mobile experience, email systems and more
- Flexible data export functionality to common formats or via REST API
Together with @dflemstr I worked on Purview1, a desktop application to detect digital forgery in photographic images.
- Written in Scala and Java
- Awarded 4th place in Jugend Forscht 2010
Contact me
Imprint / Impressum
Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG:
Moritz Roth
Mooswaldstr. 7
79279 Vörstetten
Tel: +49 (0) 162 3230505
UStId Nr: DE314362713